Read Two Thousand Years of Economic Statistics, Years 1 - 2012: Population, GDP at PPP, and GDP Per Capita. Vol. 1, by Rank book online now. You also can download other books, magazine and also comics. Get online Two Thousand Years of Economic Statistics, Years 1 - 2012: Population, GDP at PPP, and GDP Per Capita. Vol. 1, by Rank today. Are you Looking Download or read Two Thousand Years of Economic Statistics, Years 1 - 2012: Population, GDP at PPP, and GDP Per Capita. Vol. 1, by Rank for free..? enjoy it.
Who's winning and who's losing? This book provides hard data for all who ponder the shifting sands of power, whether economic, military or demographic, and seek keys to decipher the media news. Going far beyond the major powers and the BRIC countries, this economic statistical work, issued every few years, presents historical statistics in nine sections.This is Volume 1, which lists (1) Population by rank, (2) GDP Per Capita by rank, (3) GDP by rank, (4) Growth Rates of Population by rank, (5) G